New software and firmware

Today we have released 1.5.5 of the desktop client. This version includes a few bug fixes and some UI updates. See [software] page for change log.

Yesterday we also released 1.0.7 of the firmware for Otii Arc. It includes a fix for incorrect 39mA spikes, as well as a few more enhancements. See [firmware] page for change log.


just downloaded the latest release, v2.0.0. The changelog indicates lots of UI changes, could you have a small summary of them? Eg keyboard shortcuts etc. Thanks!


On the download page you get a summary of the release v2.0.0
The keyboard shortcuts are found in in-app help under “List of Shortcuts”.

Best regards,

Yeah, it (Qoitech) says among many other things “Lots of UI improvements”. I was mostly curious to what these improvements are, if that would include some new shortcut or interaction mode that makes it easier for me as a user, as compared to me guessing around in the application.

I know you are working hard on the product, hence why I’m curious to explore the new things that you come up with, which could make me like the product even more :).

The UI changes are mainly related to visual representation and making the experience more cohesive across our three platforms. Fonts have been changed and layouts updated. The only new shortcut I think is ctrl + c for copy uart log selection…

A list of the current shortcuts are available in the in app help, check the Help menu…