Reset password using email

I would like to reset password to my other account connected to my company email.
But the only way to do this is to use “username” which I don’t remember.
Is there any way to reset password by providing email address?

Best regards,

Hi Marcin,

Welcome to the forum.
Today it is only possible to reset password via username.
Send a mail to and I will let you know your username.

Best regards,

Hi Bjorn,

I manage to find my username. My suggestion is to use username in email communication. Eg:

Hi [username],
Thanks for the registration.

It would help a lot.

Best regards,
Marcin Postek.

śr., 12 kwi 2023, 10:32 użytkownik Bjorn Rosqvist via Qoitech Forum <> napisał:

Hi Marcin,

Thank you for the feedback!

Best regards,