Disable confirm exit


It would be nice if you had the option to disable the “You have unsaved measurement data, quit anyway” dialog.

Good for impatient people like me :wink:

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We are considering this but haven’t quite decided how to do it yet. We also want to introduce new warnings, for example when deleting recordings or using crop. But as you say some users might find it annoying so we want to have a solution to disable them before we introduce them.

Christer Fletcher

Maybe it would be less annoying if it is easier to confirm exit? Show the message as a normal modal dialog box, not as a red strip somewhere at the top which is hard to read and even harder to click Yes button on.
And it’s probably time to add a program-wide Preferences dialogue. Toggle warnings, create custom keyboard shortcuts, license management?

A preference dialog is one of many things we want to do. We need to think about what preference we introduce though and what complexity they add to the software. We’re currently a small team of engineers working with the software so it’s very important that it remains maintainable so we can secure future growth.

Regarding the exit, as well as all other red strips with Yes/No choice you can confirm/dismiss them with Enter and Escape.

Hope that helps.

I understand the complexity of the project. Forget shortcuts. Forget dialog. Start with a human-readable config file.
And thanks for Enter/Esc trick!