Hi there, I’m enjoying working with the Otii Arc so far. I have some suggestions for the software that in my opinion would improve the user experience. I apologise if some of these have already been suggested:
Reorder recordings in left side pane: Some recordings are related to others so being able to move them around in the left pane would help UX
Reassign colours to recordings: As the number of recording grows, the colours start get more similar or even repeat I think. It would be great to be able to control the colour of each recording for easing comparisons
Import recordings into project: I see that a recording can be exported to CSV. It would help if recordings could be imported in a project, so that I could theoretically export a recording and import it in another project.
Y axis offset for better comparisons: Currently an offset can be applied to the X axis. Being able to add an offset for the Y axis would help for comparisons where the recordings are not best overlapped.
I am interested in knowing what you guys think.