Feature Requests

A few things that has come out of doing some testing recently -

  1. a couple of x-axis & y-axis zoom +/- buttons, or a zoom in, zoom out on the right click. Its a bit cumbersome to selectively zoom in, then out to full extents, when you make a mistake. Ideally split the axes up so the view can be fine tuned.

  2. a selectable sampling rate in the project settings - if you know you don’t need the detail of full rate beforehand, you should be able to pare it back, then start the recording.

  3. an ‘oscilloscope’ mode with no recording at all - for leaving something running, yet not creating GB files, just so you can see what is going on.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the feedback! We’re always looking to improve usability in real-world scenarios, so hearing what you are missing is important.

The mouse scroll wheel might do what you are looking for in terms of zooming in and out. Using the scroll wheel you will zoom in and out at the current mouse cursor X position. Using ALT together with the scroll wheel you will zoom in and out in the Y axis around the current mouse position. I like to use the scroll wheel together with the Drag mode (keyboard D shortcut) to quickly zoom in and out plus left-click drag to offset the view. Does that at least partially help you accomplish the fine tuning of the view?

We’re looking into how to make selectable sample rate behave in the best way. Currently that’s all done as a post-processing step as part of the downsample functionality, this is something that that is definitely on the list of features we want to implement.

The scope mode sounds like a very interesting idea, it’s important to make people aware of the fact that the data isn’t being recorded in that mode though. I’m thinking that it may be a better idea to have a mode where you only keep the last x minutes of recording which will basically solve the issue of running out of storage space but still have the possibility to capture the moment something unexpected shows up? Either way we need to put it on our list of features to discuss.

Ah, unfortunately I have an ergo mouse which lacks a scroll wheel. Good to know however.

I look forward to the updates with these new bells and whistles!

We will see what we can do to make zooming easier when lacking a scroll wheel. We’ve also had this feedback from some people without mouse. It seems like the quality of touchpad scrolling on laptops varies a lot.

This has been added in 2.5.0 as keyboard shortcuts, CTRL + + and CTRL + -