I want Tips for Advanced Power Profiling with Qoitech Otii Arc

Hello there,

I am working on a project that requires a detailed analysis of power consumption patterns over extended periods & I want to make the most out of the Otii Arc’s capabilities.

The data seems to show irregular spikes in power consumption. Are there specific settings or configurations that help in smoothing out these anomalies?

I like to delve deeper into the power consumption patterns; What are the best practices for setting up the Otii Arc to capture more granular data without overwhelming the system?

Also i have check this article/recourse; https://forum.qoitech.com/t/otii-arc-proaws-devops-license-enquiry/48 still need your advice

My last question is How do you approach analyzing long-term power profiling data? Any tips on identifying key patterns or potential issues?

If anyone have any tips or experiences that you could share & if you have tackled similar challenges or have extensive experience with the Otii Arc.

Thanks in advance for your help & assistance :smiley:

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According to me For advanced power profiling with Qoitech Otii Arc:

You can Identify what you need to measure and set benchmarks.
Leverage dynamic power profiling and high resolution current measurement.
Also You can Set custom triggers and analyze time based data.
Generate detailed reports and compare profiles to find optimizations.
You can Check the Otii Arc documentation and community forums for more tips.

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