Hello, currently when working with multiple days worth of data it is almost impossible to use the program. It is very slow and has even frozen up on me multiple times. I’ve let it run days to find it is still frozen, reading a lot of data from the SSD and using the CPU a lot.
My question is, what kind of upgrades do I need to look at to make the experience much more usable? What are the computer parts that are limiting the possibility of using big data sets? Do I need to look at faster single core performance? Faster SSD like a PCIE4 or PCIE5 NVME? Faster/more RAM? Faster GPU?
Also, being that there is a mac version, is it optimized for M1 macs? if so, how is the experience compared to running a regular PC? I expect it to be much better if it is optimized and might be worth getting a M1 mac just for that.
We are looking to getting a couple more current meters but I would love some insight on how to make the experience better first.
Otii application 2.x is a single core implementation and this is something that we are going to change in the future with a major upgrade. I would like to tell you when it is ready but today we do not have any fixed release date.
We will, in the near future, start early beta tests of this new software.
If you, our customers, are interested in participating in an early beta test, then I suggest that you create a case in our case system with headline Beta tester, and some information about your use cases.
Otii 2.x is compiled for Intel architecture, and M1 is ARM architecture so it need to emulate Intel. This will not improve the performance.
Some tips and tricks for a better performance experience
Do not select “Fit width” as this will trigger calculations all the time
Mark a part of the graph while recording, to avoid the system to do statistical calculations all the time
Long recordings with a lot of UART lines will also slow the system down, for long recordings avoid this.
When you have a long recording ongoing, avoid changing things in the UI to not risk the thread to stall.
Do not use the computer for other stuff while you do your long recording.
When I log for 2-3 days, after that it is almost impossible to resize and scroll the Arc Main Current graph.
I changed the HDD to SSD and it is the same.
The CPU, RAM and SSD are not loaded to 100% during these operations - then why it is so slow and not usable?
Make sure that you run 2.8.3, since there is performance issues with 2.8.1 and 2.8.2.
The 2.x application do not utilize multi core, that’s why you see this happening.
The major software upgrade, that is coming, is a multicore implementation with great performance increase.
Sign up for our newsletter to get the information quickly about when this is released.
Yes, I’m with the latest 2.8.3 version.
In the Task Manager and in the Resource Monitor nothing is loaded at 100%.
There is no single core loaded at 100%.
It must be the RAM - I will search a tool for monitoring the RAM.
I’m with Intel i5-4570 CPU with 1600MHz DDR RAM.
I can not test the app in Windows 10 and with PC with DDR4 RAM.
Now I repeated the test with just 15 hours project.
Edit: Tested on laptop workstation with Windows 11 OS and with Intel i7-6820HQ CPU, 32GB DDR4 2133MHz RAM and ultra fast NVMe SSD.
With Process Explorer application(3rd party, not built in the Windows) it is seen that the bottleneck is the 1 threaded operation of the current 2.8.3 version.
So we are waiting for the major SW update and the multithread operation
One suggestion: current SW 2.8.3 uses only 200-250MB of RAM memory - you can use a lot more RAM for smoother app performance. This can be set as a parameter in Settings menu, so everyone can decide how much RAM to share for the Otii Arc app.